Cinematic Village Awards 2022
Just wanted to share some super exciting news I’ve got: I received a Semi Finalist Village Cinematic Award for my short film “Family Memories” at the Australian Photographic Prize 2022. From Wellington, Florida, to the world! Click on the play button below to watch it.
The Australian Photographic Prize is a Photographic Awards event with a 4 day conference and expo that was held in Melbourne in September 2022, and The Village Cinematic Award is their creative prize for short films. You can see the winners on the link bellow:
2022 Village Cinematic Awards Winners
I am especially grateful and happy to showcase the importance of creating Family Films, a service that is still so new and many families are even unaware that this is available to them!
We usually need to lose someone we love to realize that we haven’t documented enough of our time together.
It’s easier to remember to document the “big” days on a family timeline, such as weddings, births, birthdays, graduations, etc. But how about the “normal” days? For most people, when they close their eyes and think about their childhood, they will remember waking up to Sunday breakfast in the kitchen, or mom’s voice reading their favorite book out loud before bed, or the funny way daddy used to tickle them, or simply the way it felt when they played in the backyard while having their parents loving eyes on. You get my point! In the end, what we miss is the so-called “normal”, routine, daily stuff. We don’t film or photograph nearly enough, which is why over time we tend to forget the details or they become really foggy in our memory.
My hope is that parents realize that a Family Film is a reminder of a season of life. It’s the closest thing to traveling back in time. When we know that time is not coming back, holding on to our memories is all we have.
So it’s very important to me to spread this message, and having my film receive an award is the cherry on the cake!